Yavington Studio offers group and individual classes in the Feldenkrais Method, a powerful and effective method of realigning the body. Here you can learn how to relieve tension and stress by bringing awareness and understanding to your habitual responses – both physically and mentally. Just a 10 minute's drive from Winchester but in the heart of the Hampshire countryside, at Yavington Studio you can leave behind the demands of everyday life, whether for an hour-long individual session, a class, a day's workshop or a weekend retreat.
What is Feldenkrais?

The Feldenkrais Method is an intuitive therapy that improves movement and posture. Feldenkrais can help relieve chronic back, neck and shoulder pain; combat injuries; improve posture; and alleviate tension and stress. Feldenkrais tackles problems at source by bringing awareness and understanding to movement patterns. This allows us to move more comfortably, skilfully and gracefully, inspiring greater self-awareness and confidence. It’s invaluable for all those who want to improve the way they use their bodies. Feldenkrais teaches how to become aware of your innate movement patterns, which can then help you function more effectively – physically, emotionally and mentally. Feldenkrais is accepting of physical differences and outcomes.
Who Can it Benefit?
The Feldenkrais Method works to improve both gross motor skills and sensory awareness. It aids function after injury or damage by neurologically reconnecting pathways, this can help reduce pain and aid physical rehabilitation. No prior knowledge of the method is necessary, everyone works at their own level of ability and within their own comfort zone. The method is often used to enhance the performance of athletes, dancers, actors and musicians by bringing awareness to movement patterns. Jane’s work can also be particularly relevant to adolescents experiencing rapid physical and mental changes. The classes build physical confidence and will reduce patterns of tension and stress.
What We Offer
Individual Sessions
Tailored to your specific needs and situation, each individual session begins with a brief discussion and assessment. Thereafter, Jane will gently manipulate your body with a combination of precise and instructive touch to help bring awareness to your unique patterns of movement and, in turn, aid the understanding of how to function more efficiently and affectively. This new awareness can then be applied to everyday and/or difficult situations.
Group Classes
Group classes are experienced in a non-judgemental environment and take place over a term. All ages and abilities are welcome. In each hour-long class, the group is guided through a progression of small, gentle movements that release inefficient patterns and allow the individual to recall their body’s innate knowledge. Most of the class is experienced lying down and everyone learns at their own pace, organically, with space and time to reflect on their body’s unique responses.
Workshops & Retreats
Surrounded by beautiful Hampshire countryside, Yavington Studio is a truly special place to relax and revitalise. All of our workshops provide an opportunity for self-reflection and to widen one’s self-awareness through a combination of Feldenkrais sessions, authentic movement, mindfulness walks and more. You will return to your daily routine refreshed and revitalised, and all of the techniques learned can be transferred easily to your everyday life.
Find Us
Yavington Studio, Lovington Lane, Avington, Hampshire SO21 1DA